Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our increasingly weak and often corrupt media has one again made a hurricane out of a drop of water by twisting truth and totally disregarding common sense. Anyone with a little bit more than air between their ears understand exactly what Governor Romney was talking about and also realizes the context of the situation he was in.
But it’s done and a big deal has been made of it. How should Gov. Romney respond today; First, I don’t believe that he should apologize for something he did not do or mean? I believe that he should use the same technique of the adversary to respond. Here is what I mean:
Look……When you referred to “frustrated Bible reading and gun carrying folks”, were you discounting all rural, church going, second amendment advocates as not part of your constituency? Or, when Joe Biden referred to Republicans as “they are going to put you back in chains” people, was he discounting all Republicans as your constituency?
I would like to hear his answer and see his face to this question. I think America would love to. I hope that someone close to the Governor makes the suggestion. It would be a great moment of the election.

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