Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Listening to Bob Beckel defend the accusations that Mitt Romney eliminated and exported jobs as head of Bain Capital....This one is a dandy.... Has to be one of the most bizarre and unintelligent claims so far in this campaign. Let's do the logic. What is Bain Capital? Bain Capital is one of the most successfull venture capital investment firm in the world managing 65 billion dollar in assets. Some of the companies that it has provided working capital and management skills for are; STAPLES, THE SPORTS AUTHORITY, PIZZA HUT, FIRESTONE, STEEL DYNAMICS and BROOKSTONE. What is a venture capital firm? Venture Capital Investors identify companies that are looking to find equity investors and or loan financing in order to stabilize/survive or grow. They create a partnership between entrepreneurs with the potential and the desire to grow, but don't have sufficient internal cash flow, and investors with available cash looking for projects to invest in. Typically venture capitalist are excellent and experienced managers that will not only provide funds, but will also improve the businesses management skills. At the end of the process many of these companies will be ready to enter the public markets and go to the next level through an IPO (inicial public offering). It is obvious that in order for a Venture Capital Firm like BAIN to succeed, it has to create and manage incredible growth. This in turn creates large ammounts of jobs. There will be a few companies along the way that may not survive or fail. However, by the definition of the business model, these have to be few and apart. How in the world the Obama campaigh has somehow twisted BAIN's sterling reputation into a valid criticism of Mitt Romney has to do with three factors. FALSEHOOD OR BLATANT LIES, UNBELIEVABLE LACK OF COMMON SENSE AND A CORRUPT MEDIA ENVIROMENT. The Obama campaign and the educated media surely knows the above stated facts. Therefore to claim the contrary clearly classifies as a lie. To think that these lies will not be discovered and disputed shows a lack of common sense and pure ignorance. It takes a highly corrupted media to constantly proclaim these false talking points, with the obvious goal of promoting an agenda. Discrediting Mitt Romney. IT'S BEHOND COMMON SENSE HOW THESE ATTACKS CAN WORK AND IT REQUIRES A TREMENDOUS LACK OF INTEGRITY TO BRING THEM ABOUT.