Friday, September 14, 2012

Some 34 years ago the US had a strong ally who was leading his country Iran on a track to modern times. The Shah of Iran understood that his country needed to embrace western civilization in order to promote a better life and improve the standard of living for his people. He had his own war on terror fighting highly violent extremist internally, so yes his security forces had to step on some toes.
On the other side of the ocean was an amateur president (previously a peanut farmer) who thought that it was more important for his own ego and to satisfy his liberal supporters to promote the overthrow of such a tyrant. The rest is history and we now face an Iran leading the war on terror against our peaceful nation and ready to produce a nuclear weapon.
In 2011 we had another powerful US ally in whose country and army we have invested almost 100 billion dollars. Mubarak, as did the Shah, understood that Egypt’s path to progress required an alliance with the USA and western civilization. The largest country in the Arab world had a treaty of peace and recognition with Israel that helped provide some tranquility in the region for decades.
On the other side of the ocean we have an amateur president (previously a social worker) who thinks that it is more important to his ego and progressive supporters, to pander and appease Arab extremist, because this will result in them loving us and recognizing that we Americans are nice and good people who just want to be their friends. So please put your nukes away and be friendly with Israel.
If America does not wake up and elect a real strong leader who will consider our interest and national security before celebrity, soon there will be an Israel surrounded by two hostile Arab nations with nuclear weapons whose leaders have sworn to the destruction of the Jewish State. This is a disaster of Biblical proportions and the media chooses to ignore and distort for the sole purpose of protecting their false idol.

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