Monday, September 10, 2012

Laura Ingraham; who I respect and love dearly asks to rate The Romney campaign. I am going to say a C+ and here’s why:
Obama and the Democrats have launched not only a very personal and mean campaign, but also one that is full of misinformation, distortions and often outright lies. They are counting on an uninterested, uninformed and sometimes fanatical electorate. The Romney response has been soft, reactive and unclear.
The Obama administration has failed miserably at keeping its promises and it has failed to address the problems of the economy. Instead it has engaged in an ideological move to a progressive socialist government. Anyone that knows history understands that a misinformation and demagoguery campaign is the norm of any socialist movement.
So, Romney has at his disposal a plentiful well of facts and issues to break down and destroy Obama. However, they have chosen to play the Obama’s game, using a same level response and staying constantly on the defense.
My advice would be to play your own game. Take each failure and misrepresentation and respond with a simple and logical add and media strategy. For example; The Bain attack has been not only untruthful, but also illogical and simply ridiculous. Yet, the attack has been somewhat successful and the public for the most part still does not understand the issue. To claim that venture capital is any different than pure investment and that it is somehow selfish and greedy and that it has any relationship to eliminating or outsourcing jobs is completely absurd. Just imagine an economy without investors willing to put their money into risky situations. Initial Private Offerings of untested businesses simply doesn’t happen, so how would the economy move forward. Without venture capitalist there is no private enterprise. The Government and Banks would have to take all risk. This is simple fact, yet the Romney campaign has not been able to make this clear and even unmask the lie and use it to their advantage.
There are many similar examples where the Romney campaign could use the truth combined with simple unquestionable logic instead of just a stated complaint where it’s one camps word against the others. Romney needs to have more confidence that the public can be educated and persuaded versus bullied and demagogue by one side or the other.
In short I believe that the use of logic persuasion, without getting complicated, would be more successful than just denial and outrage.

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