Thursday, September 6, 2012


Getting older has one advantage; some crucial facts of history are still in your memory, as opposed to most voters today, which only have a version of history that the media geniuses have provided and continue to harp.
This is how I remember the Clinton years:
It was the age of the most significant technical revolution of our times. It was the age of Microsoft, Intel and the beginning of the internet revolution. The economic growth and wealth creation was so powerful that government could do nothing to slow it down. The Reagan economic policies had taken effect, taxes were low and entrepreneurs were thriving. The Cold war was over and international optimism was great, the wall had been torn down and Europe was exploding particularly Eastern Europe.
So yes Bill Clinton was able to preside without a government deficit. Even a lawyer with good social skills could have balanced the budget under those circumstances. But remember that it was private enterprise that ruled and was responsible for the boom. Good solid foreign policy and a vision of strength and optimism kept us in the right environment.
Now let’s go back to Clinton. His first major move was to assign his wife the task of implementing socialized healthcare. Fortunately this attempt failed miserably thanks to a Republican congress. And what about congress? Well Newt Gingritch and the Contract with America came along, to insure that the budget was kept in balance and that the last few remnants of the FDR, Johnson and Carter nanny state got cleaned up with welfare reform.
So OK, let’s give credit where credit is due. Bill Clinton had the sense to sign bills that were proposed by Republicans. He decided that it was smarter to go along for the ride and join the team of success. But in my memory it was more about having more fun smoking cigars with under age inters in the oval office than bringing people together.
Yes it is great fun and a boost to Bill’s ego to make a speech about what a great economist and Arithmetician he was. The fact is he became good at it after the fact. He spent most of his real Presidency defending his strange behavior and yes convincing the world that he did not have sex with that woman.
I admit that the press has done a great job reinventing history and creating an image of good old Bill that has made him a very popular President. They have also done a great job demonizing George W. Bush and have managed to sell the idea that all of Obama’s troubles are a result of his policies and those Republican big spenders and war mongers.

Let’s be real, the truth is that the recession was the result of a long coming Real Estate bubble (and Democrats are not innocent bystanders) further complicated by mistakes made by very large banks. Also complicated by the come to Jesus reality of Europe’s Socialist agenda. And by the way, do you even remember that Bush inherited a recession driven by the tech bubble burst and yes I almost forgot 9/11 complications. The media conveniently forgot about that because good old George took care of business and never whined about it. As opposed to Barack whining about his troubles on and on and on.
I wish the media got their act together and started providing news, as opposed to, selling their liberal agenda. But that will never happen. So for now let us hope that the country can get away from the fog and put a competent leader in office. As Clint Eastwood would say; “Fire the empty chair”.

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